Sunday, May 1, 2011

Nineteen Minutes Entry 3: "Something still exists as long as there's someone around to remember it, right?"

     This entire novel was incredibly captivating and interesting, mainly due to the way Picoult chose to write it. As the story was narrated through many different points of view, I was able to hear what everyone had to say about each situation. On the back of the book, there was a quote from a critic that really stood out to me and changed my mindset towards school violence. People magazine wrote, "A brilliantly told tale, one that dares to remind us that someone loved the killer too." And it's true; in this novel was see how Peter's parents loved him even after he committed his tragic crimes. Even Peter's friend Josie was willing to sacrifice her life by admitting that she was the one who first shot Matt, her boyfriend. She wanted the truth to be told so that Peter was not blamed for a death that she was a part of causing. Even though Peter was willing to keep her secret, Josie cared too much for Peter to let that happen.
     Nineteen Minutes teaches us that every killer is someone's son. Even though Peter felt bullied and unloved throughout his life, there actually were people he could turn to. Even though his parents had trouble showing their love for Peter, deep down they cared deeply for him. After the school shooting tradgedy, Peter's parents may have had trouble loving the man he became, but they still loved the man he used to be. By choosing to remember and honor his past, his parents' love shined throughh.
     When Peter's mom Lacy was struggling with how to express her love to her son after he had been put on trial, her friend Alex reminded her of the sweet and special boy Peter used to be. She told Lacy, "He used to like the peanut butter on the top half of the bread and the marshmallow fluff on the bottom. And he could find anything I'd dropped-an earring, a contact lens-before it got lost permanently" (386). This was a powerful moment for Lacy, and a moving one for me as well. In this moment, it is clear that although one may feel uncared about, there is always someone who loves them. Even though Peter had just killed ten innocent people, his mother still loved him and did all she could to protect him. It sends out an important message to those who are being bullied; you are never alone.

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