Saturday, March 5, 2011

What's Going On in the World? Egypt's Current Status.

    There has been a lot of news surrounding Egypt lately. Starting near the end of January, thousands of protesters took the streets of Egypt in order to protest poverty, unemployment, government corruption and more. They were protesting against President Hosni Mubarak, and the control  of the government. There was also the Muslim Brotherhood, which is the country's largest opposition movement. They asked for Mubarak to step down and allow for a more transitional government to take over. Over time, the protests began to grow out of hand and required Egypt's armed forces to get involved. The government went so far to even block all internet connections in the country. Protesters and journalists needed to find a way to get out information about what was happening in Egypt, since the country was preventing them from doing so. In February after many days of protests, Mubarak finally made the decision to step down, ending his 30 year reign. Since his resignation, the Egyptian military has taken control and many believe that Egypt is making a democratic transition.
    After watching a few videos on the protesters' reactions once President Mubarak stepped down, it is evident that the people of Egypt felt very strongly about changing the way the government ran. The most interesting article I read about Egypt was that this whole revolution began with the internet. People knew for the past years under Mubarak's rule that their country was going downhill, but fear kept them from doing anything about it. However, with the internet, people were able to see that they weren't the only ones who wanted freedom. They also used sites like Facebook and Twitter to organize protests. The government slowly began to lose its power, as the people of Egypt used the internet to ban together.
    I admire all of these people who are standing up for themselves and fighting for the freedom that they want. I think that almost everyone in the world hopes that Egypt will receive democracy. Right now, since Egypt's military is running the country, it is up to them to allow a democracy to take place. Despite the fact that Egypt still has to fight and work more towards getting what they want, I think that people can learn a lot from Egypt's revolution. It shows that people do have the power, and when we want something, we must fight for it. It's amazing that thousands of people living in Egypt organized protests all on their own and worked together to make the dictator step down. Seeing that this fight for freedom was successful, it shows other countries that they have the power to stand up for what they believe in, as well.

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