Monday, January 3, 2011

Abortion-What Rights Do Women Have?

  The pro-choice organization argues that anti-choice people use violent actions and dangerous laws in order to get their point across. More importantly, by banning abortion, pro-choice advocates argue that it may jepordize the woman's health and safety. It was interesting that the site also pointed out that they believe even though abortion should be allowed, the need for it should be reduced. They support abortion, but also strongly support improving access to birth control and teaching young students sex education. I believe that it very smart to put on their site because it demonstrates how even though abortion should be allowed, if people make smart decisions, it will not be needed as often. The pro-choice organization also argued a lot against anti-choice supporters. They explained what choice is and how it is unconstitutional to ban women from making the decision to have an abortion.
   The National Right to Life site used a lot of emotions to try and sway individuals. They used facts to explain how abortion may not be very safe. The website also showed a link of "A Diary of an Unborn Baby" to make me relate to the fetus. However, there was not much substantial information that made me want to support this side. I found the pro-choice organization to have much stronger evidence to back up their arguement. It seems to me that the pro-choice movement is winning the debate, because they have the stronger arguement and women have the constitutional right to make their own decisions.
  As both a student and a woman, I am one hundred percent pro-choice. However, I believe that a parent has the right to know if their child under the age of 18 is having an abortion. I do not believe that they need to consent to it, but they should be notified by the abortion clinic. It would be unfair to make a parent consent to the abortion, because the baby is a part of the woman's body and therefore belongs to her. The parent has no control over the situation, but for safety reasons, should be notified that the abortion is happening. If something dangerous happened, the parent has the right to know, and since the child under 18 is still technically not a legal adult, the parent needs to have full information on what is happening to them.
   I also believe that if the identity of the father of the baby is known, than they have the right to be notified of the woman's decision to have an abortion. I think that this notification is important because the baby belongs to him, and it would be unfair for him to not have knowledge of what is happening to his child. However, since the baby is a part of the woman's body, she deserves to be able to make the choice to have an abortion all on her own. It may be unfair for the father to not have the right to consent to the abortion, but it is also not right to make a woman carry around a baby for nine months if she does not feel comfortable having the baby. At least if the father is notified about the woman's choice then he can talk to the woman beforehand. However, the woman must be allowed to have complete control over her the decision about whether or not to have the baby.
    Both the Illinois House and Senate are mixed-choice. For example, Illinois allows abortion before 12 weeks, but the state also restricts insurance coverage of abortion for some indivduals. I agree with both of these laws because as I have stated before, women have the right to make their own choices, and therefore should be allowed to have an abortion if they believe it is the best decision for themselves. However, it is wrong to make some people believe in something that they do not support, so it would make sense for abortion to not be covered by insurance. It doesn't make sense to have anti-choice supporters pay money to help fund people have abortions. By not allowing insurance coverage, each individual is able to support the side they want. Those who do not believe in abortion can choose not to have one and do not have to pay for another person to have one. I also agree with the time limit on the abortion ban. Twelve weeks gives women a substantial amount of time to make their decision, and some facts show that at the three month mark a fetus begins to feel pain. Therefore, it makes sense that an abortion must take place only before twelve weeks after conceiving. Overall, I agree with Illinois' position and I think that it is important for them to be mixed-choice in order to keep in mind both sides of the arguement.

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