Sunday, October 17, 2010

Freedom of Religion

   The First Amendment survey was very interesting, especially because the majority of people in 2010 (61%) knew about the right to free speech, but only 23% knew about the right of freedom of religion. People often pass over this right, forgetting how important it is to every citizen living in the United States. According to Charles Haynes, the United States is the most religiously diverse society on Earth. Not only is it the most diverse, but it is also the most religious. I believe that we have the First Amendment to thank for that. Our country has very religious people of many different religions, because the constitution allows for it. Often in other countries, people would have to live in fear if they wanted to practice their own religion. The United States remains a successful country because of it's freedom. We must make sure to allow this freedom everywhere-even in schools-or the constitution is not doing what it should be.
   Schools are where most students learn the most, and they will carry this knowledge with them throughout the rest of their lives. This shows how important it is to allow freedom of religion in schools, as long as it is not too disruptive to the learning process. If students learn early on that religion is not important enough to be allowed in schools, then they will grow up with the belief that freedom of religion is a useless right. It is extremely important to show students that this is not true, because it is our freedoms that allow our country to be so successful. I read that the government has ruled that no teachers are allowed to promote or denigrate any religion, and I believe that it is important for all school officials to follow this rule. Students must learn that they have the right to practice any religion they please, because this sense of freedom is significant.
   No one should be forced to pray or believe in a particular religion, because our constitution directly states that we have the right to freedom of religion. Schools cannot make prayer mandatory in school, because not everyone believes in it, and it violates the First Amendment. One other interesting fact from the survey I saw was that 54% strongly agree that student speakers should be allowed to speak about their religious faith at public school events, whereas only 12% strongly disagreed. This fact is important to note, because it shows that we have the right to speak freely about our religion and practice it. However, people must make sure not to confuse this right; we can practice any religion we want, but we cannot force others to, because they also have the freedom of religion.

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